your dreams make your heart bigger
In the heart of good ol' Savannah, where the gentle whispers of the breeze carried tales of dem moss-covered oaks and cobblestone streets, SKITS found himself sittin' beneath his favorite oak tree on a sunny afternoon, with a curious child named Lily by his side. Lily gazed at SKITS with wide eyes, her curiosity brimmin' over. "SKITS," she asked, "why do ya always talk 'bout dreamin' of other lands and folks? Ain't the world 'round us wonderful enough?"
SKITS smiled kindly at Lily, his voice as soothin' as a slow rollin' river. "Well now, Lily, let me share a little secret wit' ya," he began. "Ya see, dreamin' ain't just 'bout tellin' stories for me. It's like I done lived those dreams, walked in them faraway places. While our surroundin’s are filled with beauty and wonder, there's a vast and wondrous universe out yonder, just waitin' to be explored."
Lily tilted her head, intrigued. "But don't ya love where we are? Why dream of other places?"
"Oh, dear Lily," SKITS replied, "I hold our home in my heart with deep affection. Its charm and grace are like a sweet melody dat never fades. But sometimes, if all I had was the world 'round me, I might just find myself overwhelmed wit' a sense of missin' out. The thought of not experiencin' all dat life has to offer, well, it might bring tears to my eyes."
Lily's eyes widened in understandin'. "So, dreamin' lets ya see all dem amazin' things beyond our home?"
SKITS nodded, his voice carryin' the warmth of a kind friend. "Exactly, my dear. Dreams ain't just stories to me, they're like memories of another life. Dey're like dem keys to a magical door dat leads to faraway lands and the hearts of folks we've never met. Each dream is a reminder dat life's tapestry is woven from countless threads of beauty, love, and discovery."
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, castin' a golden glow over the Savannah sky, SKITS continued, "By dreamin', I ain't just tellin' tales. I'm relivin' moments, walkin' paths I've never walked in this life. It's as if the canvas of life is too vast to fit in just one frame, and my dreams help me catch glimpses of all dem colors and stories dat fill it."
Lily smiled, her heart dancin' to the rhythm of SKITS's words. "So, your dreams make your heart bigger?"
SKITS chuckled softly. "In a way, yes. Dey remind me dat life is so much more dan what we can see wit' our eyes. And even though I'll always treasure our home, my dreams let me explore new horizons without ever leavin'."
As dem stars began to twinkle in the velvety sky, SKITS and Lily shared a moment of quiet appreciation for the world 'round dem and the dreams dat painted it with endless possibilities. And as dey sat beneath the oak tree, the whispers of their conversation floated on the wind, carryin' the magic of dreams to every corner of Savannah and beyond.