SKITS done wrestled with a mighty curious flaw: The meeting of SKITS & Josephine
Lemme bend ya ear 'bout somethin' that happened in a far-off patch of Suliak, after them years of war. Nestled right amidst them rolling hills and lush greenery, there sat SKITS. Now, SKITS was a real kind-hearted soul, a fella who'd been through the grind of war and strife.
SKITS had seen firsthand the havoc them battles could wreak, and his heart plumb hurt for them folks caught up in the mess. But even with all that darkness swirlin' 'round, he stood tall as a beacon of compassion and kindness, a light shinin' bright for all to see. He'd lend a helpin' hand without a second thought, not just to kin and kith but to strangers in a bind too.
But here's the thing, amidst all that selflessness, SKITS had his own little quirk—he struggled, bless his heart, to show himself that same love and care. He'd go all out takin' care of others, pourin' out his soul, but let his own well-being fall by the wayside.
One evenin', as that sun dipped below the horizon, paintin' the sky with shades of orange and purple, SKITS found himself by the village pond, deep in thought. And wouldn't ya know it, along comes a wise ol' gal, wearin' a serene smile and an air of wisdom that'd make a bullfrog sit up and listen.
"Hey there, SKITS," she said, her voice as smooth as a gentle breeze, "I reckon I can see the weight you're totin', the love you dish out to others, and the love you're holdin' back from yourself."
Well, SKITS, he's a bit taken aback, so he asks, "Now, how in tarnation do you know all that 'bout me?"
The ol' gal just lets out a soft chuckle. "Sugar, the heart's got a way of whisperin' truths if we'd only lend an ear. How 'bout I spin ya a little tale, a parable, to help light up your path?"
With that, she begins her tale, talkin' like a sweet southern breeze:
"Once upon a time, way out yonder in a land far, far away, lived a hard-workin' gardener named Samuel. His little patch of earth, nestled smack in the heart of the prettiest landscape you ever did see, had seen its share of storms and such. Much like you, SKITS, he was a good-hearted fella, always willin' to lend a hand where needed.
Samuel, he'd seen his fair share of hardships, too. Witnessed the land torn apart by battles and struggles, much like them trials you faced down in Suliak. But through it all, he kept his nose to the grindstone, takin' care of that garden like it was his kin.
As days turned into nights and back to days again, Samuel was workin' himself to the bone. Frettin' over them plants day in and day out, he plumb forgot he was a part of that garden, just as much as any flower.
One night, when the stars were twinklin' up above, a mystical figure, all lit up like a firefly, appeared to Samuel. This figure spoke in a voice like a whisper carried on the wind, sayin', 'Samuel, you've been tendin' to this garden with all you got, but have you forgotten someone else who needs a bit of lovin' too?'
Well, Samuel, he's scratchin' his head and asks, 'Who else am I supposed to tend to? Ain't this garden my own burden?'
That mystical figure, bless its heart, gives a warm, knowin' smile and says, 'Yes, you've been tendin' to this garden like a champ, but you, my darlin', are a part of this masterpiece too. Treat yourself as kindly as them flowers you love so dear.'"
SKITS is wide-eyed and takin' it all in, so the ol' gal wraps it up like a sweet, Southern drawl:
"Jus' like Samuel, dear SKITS, you gotta come to grips with the fact that you deserve just as much lovin' as you're dishin' out. Embrace that self-kindness, and you'll find your heart overflowin' with even more compassion to spread 'round this world of ours."
SKITS, he's listenin' close, heart warmed by the tale and the wisdom it holds. From that day on, he's makin' himself a promise—to treat his own self with the same tenderness he shows others. As he walks down that road of self-love and care, his life starts to change, and his ability to lend a hand and mend hearts grows even stronger. It's like watchin' a garden blossom under the lovin' touch of a dedicated gardener, just sweeter than a glass of sweet tea on a warm summer day.
Inspired by Jordan B. Petersons 12 Rules for Life. Rule 2 / Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for Helping.